Thursday, November 1, 2012

Another kind of Thanksgiving Bounty

The calendar page has turned. It's November now. So like our Pilgrim forefathers and foremothers, we get ready to gather at the table with friends and family and give thanks for nature's bounty by consuming as much of it as we possible can. In that same spirit of gratitude and sharing, members of the Friends Board bring you a short list of books we are thankful to have read.

A Bittersweet Season: Caring for Our Aging Parents -- and Ourselves  by Jane Gross
This is an excellent book for help with how/when to begin the terribly difficult process of dealing with an elder relative, particularly around issues related to living independently. The author, a former health writer for the New York Times, gives thoughtful information and suggestions on types of care and how to make transitions between them. - Martha

The Braindead Megaphone  by George Saunders
I'm thankful that a writer as hilarious and humane as George Saunders exists. I recommend his book of essays to all who vacillate with uneasy frequency between despair at the state of things and absolute exaltation at being alive in the world, and who find, in reading, their ability to feel that kind of joy enlarged. -Elizabeth

Building Stories  by Chris Ware
The scope of Ware's talent is equalled only by the depth of his empathy, and both are evident on every page of this heartbreaking, life-affirming masterpiece. I'm thankful for every book inside this box, every frame on every page. -Elizabeth

A Christmas Memory and The Thanksgiving Visitor  by Truman Capote
I never tire of reading these stories because of Capote's beautiful and evocative language and because of the unusual friendship between Buddy (a young boy) and his elderly, eccentric cousin. They each transport me to a quieter, smaller world of simplicity and common sense. -Eva

 A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius  by Dave Eggers
I'm thankful to have read this book because the narrative is so fast and raw that it just engulfed me. It was exhilarating, furious, heartfelt, and obnoxious. And it made me think of the people I love and laugh out loud a lot. - Jennifer

Maurice  by E.M. Forster
Its unapologetic and unsentimental portrayal of gay relationships in the Edwardian era was a relief to read for a gay teenager in high school. As an adult I still love the novel for its sparse prose and glimpse of a by-gone era. -Arend

Our Town  by Thornton Wilder
The characters showed me that life is "awful...and wonderful" and they continue to do so whenever I think of them.  -Sue
Zen and the Art of Archery  by Eugen Herrigel
This book is a personal account of the author’s journey to understand Zen through the art of archery. The descriptions of his experiences came alive for me and gave me a better understanding of the ever-popular phrase “go with the flow.”   -Linda

If you would like to share the bounty of books by adding to our list, just tell us in the comment box below about a book you're thankful to have read.

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